Deaf Facility
Sunshine College Deaf Facility is committed to supporting the academic outcomes and general knowledge of Deaf students of the western suburbs.
We encourage individual identity and self esteem through cultural awareness. In partnership with families our ultimate goal is to produce successful members of society with a desire for lifelong learning.
The Facility
The Deaf Facility operates out of the West Campus and can cater to all year 7 - 12 students. The Deaf Facility Education Team work closely with all students to ensure they have the best access to the mainstream program and extracurricular activities.
Deaf Students have access to:
SunLit (Sunshine College's literacy program)
ICT facilities
Laptops for Senior Students
Outstanding sports program and annual athletics carnival
Wide range of subjects at all levels
Co-curricula activities to develop leadership, character and personal growth

Students participate in mainstream classes and extra-curricula activities with the support of Facility staff. Activities include excursions, camps, lunchtime activities organised by the Student Leadership Team and after school events such as Homework Club and sports activities.
Deaf Facility time is allocated to each year level to ensure consolidation of concepts taught in the mainstream classroom. Students are supported in career choices through the Managed Individual Pathways (MIPS) program and in application and interview processes for Tertiary Education.
The Deaf Facility holds a Deaf camp every year. This gives the students an opportunity to socialise outside of the school setting in a fun environment. The camp is often fully or partially subsidised.
Auslan is offered as an elective to all students in Year 9 and 10.
Our Team
Specialist staff including Teachers of the Deaf and Auslan Interpreters are on-site in a full time capacity. We work in partnership with mainstream staff to ensure the specific needs of the Deaf Facility students are met.
This is achieved through:
Support in all school activities, including mainstream classes, Deaf Facility and extracurricular programs
Use of appropriate communication modes such as digital signage around the West Campus
Preparation of language modified texts
Negotiation of assessments methods and formats
Professional Development, such as Deafness Awareness for mainstream staff and students
Utilising appropriate Information Communication Technology (ICT)