Sunshine College takes great pride in its Year 9 – 10 elective program.
The College introduces the elective program at Year 9 to set the foundation for the years to come, both in the senior years and beyond. In years 9 and 10 students undertake core studies in The Arts, English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Technology. Students further personalise their learning experience through the selection of a semester-based elective subject.
At Sunshine College we strongly believe that social, emotional and academic development is integral to the learning process. We know that students learn best when they are provided with high quality teachers, resources and learning opportunities. We know that learning occurs in a variety of contexts and experiences. Students are encouraged to select subjects which are of interest to them and which motivate them to learn.
Over the two-year program students should endeavour to experience a wide range of learning areas. Elective subjects are designed to challenge and develop critical and creative thinking and build confidence.
Advanced Electives Program (AEP)
A select number of students in year 10 will be offered the opportunity to pick a VCE/VET subject as part of the Advanced Electives Program. The AEP is open to students on both the Northumberland and Lachlan Rd Campuses. An assessment will be made of each student’s suitability to undertake a VCE/VET subject. To be eligible for consideration students must have an OnDemand Reading score of 8.5 or above at the time of subject selection. They must also have an attendance rate above 85% and demonstrate an ability to organise and meet deadlines, preparedness and an ability to work independently.
Students should note that each VCE/VET subject is studied over two semesters. All units successfully completed in year 10 will count towards to the acquisition of the Victorian Certificate of Education.
Change of elective subject and location
While we endeavour to offer all students an opportunity to undertake a subject of their choice, where necessary students may be counselled to modify their choice due to a class being full or insufficient numbers to run a viable class.
In 2025, the Year 9 & 10 elective program will take place across both the West and North campuses. Subjects will either run on both campuses or
one and students will move between these campuses. Location of subjects is based on student numbers and resources.
How to apply for an elective subject
Students will be sent a link through their Compass account to select their electives subjects for the following year. Students are encouraged to seek support and input from their parents around their subject selection.
Only students who are eligible to participate in the AEP will see these subjects in their elective selection. Some subjects attract a resource cost and student enrolment is not confirmed until this has been paid.