Maths Futures
The school motto of “creating futures” is exemplified by our Maths Futures program.

Maths Futures
The school motto of “creating futures” is exemplified by our Maths Futures program.
Sunshine College established its award winning mathematics program in 2009, with the aim to include all students in a positive learning experience which allowed them to learn the maths which was “just right” for them.
In the years since the program was established, the teaching team have continued to develop, review and refine the comprehensive bank of differentiated resources, to the point where every lesson in years 7, 8, 9 and 10 comprises tasks which address the learning needs of all students, and provides the appropriate level of challenge for every learner.
Aspects of the program
The two philosophies of the Maths Futures program, Growth Mindset and Data Driven, underpin our culture of education excellence.
The Maths Futures program blends four key curricula strategies:
Reciprocal Teaching
Differentiated lessons
Scaffolding Numeracy in the Middle Years
Speedy Maths
These high-impact strategies were developed through collaborative action research and derived from evidence based best practices.
For more information on how these approaches drive student learning and growth in Maths, download our brochure.
Classroom Culture
At Sunshine College, every teacher strives to create an environment where students believe they can improve. We value progress and personal development, irrespective of where the starting level may be.
In our Maths classes, students are expected to collaborate with others, communicate their thinking, problem solve and take positive risks in their learning. Ultimately, our students develop into confident and independent learners.
Longitudinal data from 2011 until the present day has consistently demonstrated that our students improve at a faster rate than the average student in Victoria.
In 2015, the Sunshine College Maths team was awarded two Victorian Education Excellence Awards – for Outstanding Advancement and the prestigious Lindsay Thompson Award.
The Maths Futures program has been shared with schools in Victoria, Queensland, NSW, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern territory, as well as with schools in the UK, USA, New Zealand, Germany, Hungary and Indonesia.

Maths Futures in the news