Music & Performing Arts
At Sunshine College, we believe music is a form of self-expression and can be used as a vehicle to represent who we are.
Students involved in the music program will independently and collaboratively experiment with and apply a range of skills, techniques and processes to plan, develop, refine and create musical works. Furthermore, we will develop students' performance, composition and listening skills and provide a theatrical musical understanding.
What are the benefits?
Improves leadership skills and provides more leadership positions for students
Increases opportunities for success
Develops friendships between year levels
Fosters healthy competition amongst the houses
Enhances sense of belonging
A greater sense of allegiance to their peers and their house

Instrumental music program
Sunshine College is proud of its Instrumental Music program. It is designed to complement student learning across the college. Research indicates the study of music fosters intellectual, physical and emotional development. In addition to teaching students to play a musical instrument, playing music develops teamwork, commitment, and study skills, and gives students a unique musical experience from which they will benefit for the rest of their lives.
In addition to the scheduled music classes in Years 7 & 8 and the music elective program in Years 9 & 10, music students attend weekly lessons with our qualified and talented music staff. Lesson sizes range from one to four students and are held during class time; times are alternated weekly to ensure students are not repeatedly missing the same class. Our music teachers provide students with instrumental lessons catering for the individual student with the future goal of performing in one of the College’s bands. Regular home practice is expected to ensure maximum skill development.
Admission to the Instrumental Music Program requires students to demonstrate their suitability by participating positively, expressing an interest in learning an instrument, and having an extremely high school attendance rate. It is also advisable that students have access to their chosen instrument at home to undertake regular structured practice.
Photo: Students unboxing new instruments provided by the Yamaha Great Start Grant 2021.
Concert Band
Sunshine College are the lucky recipients of Yamaha's Great Start Grant 2021, providing us with $50,000 worth of instruments to start a Concert Band at Sunshine College. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students and significantly broadens our music program.
Each student will be placed in a small group lesson with a specialist woodwind, brass or percussion teacher, and will focus on playing as an ensemble.
For students looking to purchase their own instrument, please visit the Fine Music website. This page features instruments specific to our concert band, and includes information about the rent to buy program.