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Remote Learning Updates

In Term 4, students will begin to return to school for face-to-face learning.

All students commence remote learning on Monday the 4th of October.

Students in years 7 – 11 will commence returning to onsite learning in a staggered manner.


All students in years 7 - 11 will return to onsite learning from Monday 1 November. 


Please see the below table for dates each year level will be on site:

Staggered return updated 24.10.JPG

We will do our best to keep you as updated as quickly as possible during this time. Please ensure you check Compass daily during remote learning and for more detailed updates. Please scroll further down this page for information about on-site supervision of students.

Thank you for your patience as we work through this together.

How to get help with remote learning


For Compass password and login help or other enquiries, please send an email with your name and details to

We'll monitor this email during school hours.

Technical Support

For other support from IT, please also email  for faster support please make sure you provide as much detail as you can.


Please note we may be getting a lot of requests, but do not worry, we have your request and will get back to you as soon as we can.

School work

Students should ask their teachers for help through Compass by emailing their teachers. Just keep in mind that to see your teacher's response you need to be able to log into your school email.


Please note that parent and student Compass accounts are different - some school work may only be accessible from the student account.

Supervision at school during lockdown

Onsite supervision of students whose parents are essential workers and/ or are deemed vulnerable, including a diagnosed disability will be provided during lockdown.

Parents and carers who require their child/ren to attend the care and supervision program provided by Sunshine College staff must complete an on-site attendance application form prior to their child/ren attending on-site.  

Click the link below to complete the form.

form icon.png

Liên hệ chúng tôi


Cơ sở phía Bắc: (03) 8311 8500
Cơ sở phía Tây: (03) 8311 5200

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