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The Sunshine College school council plays a valuable role in developing school policies, particularly by supporting the school Principal to understand and consider the views of the school community.

The council consists of the Principal, Teaching Staff, Students and Parents. Meetings are held twice a term on a Wednesday evening in the college administration conference room.

The functions of a school council are specified in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) and include:

  • Establishing the broad direction and vision of the school within the school's community.

  • Raising funds for school-related purposes.

  • Maintaining oversight of the school's grounds and buildings and ensure they are kept in good order and condition.

  • Ensuring that all money coming into the council is expended for proper purposes relating to the school.

  • Stimulating interest in the school in the wider community.

  • Informing itself of and taking into account the views of the community.

  • Regulating and facilitating the after -hours use of school premises and grounds.

If you wish to join the school council please contact the school directly.

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Βόρεια πανεπιστημιούπολη: (03) 8311 8500
West Campus: (03) 8311 5200

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Το Sunshine College αναγνωρίζει τους Παραδοσιακούς Ιδιοκτήτες, τους ανθρώπους Wurundjeri και Boon Wurrung του Έθνους Kulin, στη γη του οποίου συναντάμε, μοιραζόμαστε και δουλεύουμε. Εκτιμούμε τα σεβασμό μας στους Πρεσβύτερους παρελθόντες και παρόντες και εκφράζουμε το σεβασμό μας στους Αβορίγινους και τους Νήσους των Στενών Torres από όλα τα έθνη αυτής της γης.


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